Good Funny Animated Time Travel Movies

Maybe it's the possibility of traveling back and forth in time or the ability to change our past & future, but time travel movies have been around since early 1900. The audience does not seem to get tired of this fantasy.

Every one of these time travel movies ever released mixes a sense of time manipulation with the story's plot. Due to the sheer number of releases, the spectrum of time travel movies is wide.

We might just have something for everybody. These movies range from Romance tales, feel-good life movies, murder mysteries to serious movies with its root in actual scientific theories.

The spectrum of time travel movies is unending.

60 Best Time Travel Movies

We have compiled an exquisite list of the best time travel movies for you. Sit Back, Relax and take a stroll with us through time.

Best Time Travel Movie -Interstellar (2014)

Interstellar plays wonderfully with concepts of time dilation, causal loops, and black holes. It expands on the need for human civilization to spread out on other planets as the earth becomes increasingly hostile.

Earth is decreasingly compatible with crops endangering the human species. The movie follows a group of explorers sent out on the cosmos to judge previously researched planets in terms of habitability.

The movie slowly eases us with time dilation concepts initially with how time can pass on earth and other planets differently. They push this concept with planets orbiting a giant black hole where gravity is extremely high & space and time get warped.

All concepts used have scientific theories backing them up in the real world. The director then takes inspiration from the real physics concept of higher dimensions.

Nolan also brings the warping abilities of a black hole to represent elements of time travel fictionally.

We highly recommend this movie as it is currently the most scientifically backed space exploration movie, with even its imaginary parts still being rooted in scientific concepts.

Interstellar is a good option if you like movies that make you want to research its makings, concepts used, the technology used for the effects, etc.


Back to the Future (1985)

Best Time Travel Movies -Back to the Future (1985)

Back to the future follows the escapades of Marty Mc Fly in his time travel into the past using a time machine. The machine was created by his mad scientist friend Dr. Brown.

As he runs into his parent's younger self, he realizes that intervening in his parents' affairs can have a butterfly effect on his life.

He is now faced with the task of making sure his parents fall in love as well as trying to get enough juice without plutonium to get back home.

The characters can time travel back and forth in time using a DeLorean converted into a time machine. The car utilizes a contraption called a flux capacitor as the core component of the machine and time circuits to enter the specific point of the time.

The vehicle needs to get to 88 miles per hour to activate the time-traveling capabilities. The car also needs a required power output of 121 gigawatts of electricity.

The energy required is achieved generally through plutonium which creates a nuclear reaction.


Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox (2013)

Best Time Travel Movies-Justice Legue The Flashpoint Paradox (2013)

The Flashpoint Paradox addresses the causality effect of the flash time traveling & changing things at different points in time.

It expands on the butterfly effect concept and how timelines are branched from historical alterations.

The character of flash is a speedster who utilizes the speed force of the DC universe to accelerate at tremendous speed. Barry can access the speed force and accelerate faster than the speed of light to achieve time travel.

Best Time Travel Movies-The Terminator (1984)

Terminator is a survival movie. Our main protagonist Sarah Connor is hunted down by a machine sent from the future by Skynet.

Kylee Reese, a human soldier from the future, is subsequently sent after the terminator to protect Sarah Connor. The reason stated is that the future child is destined to be the leader of the human rebellion in the future.

Terminator is a human vs. machine movie. The terminator uses the linear time concept meaning each travel in the past and change made in the past will change events in the future.

Skynet uses time displacement equipment that allows living tissue, mimetic poly-alloy to be sent forward or backward in time. The time travel done is a straight one-way ticket.

This rule can only change if you build a Time displacement device yourself.

Best Time Travel Movies-Groundhog Day (1993)

Groundhog Day follows a weatherman, Phil Connors, sent to a town called Punxsutawney to report on the weather. He shows contempt to almost everything and everyone during his stay.

When he tries to leave, he is stopped by a snowstorm. Yielded by nature, he retires in his hotel room and wakes up only to find reliving yesterday.

He is now faced with living in the same day every day and desperately tries to figure out a solution.

The movie does not explain the time loop and is left to the audience's imagination to interpret. The script's early iterations explained voodoo curses, but the writers didn't include them in the final draft.

Groundhog Day is not a scientific movie but a movie about life & fictionalization of how choices you make can impact your life.

Best Time Travel Movies-Arrival (2016)

Arrival is not one of those classic time travel movies. There is no actual physical time traveling done in the movie. The movie is staged when humans make first contact with an alien species.

The protagonist Dr. Louis Banks is tasked with deciphering their language to establish communication with the heptapod species.

The movie pushes the concept of the Sapir- Whorf Hypothesis, which dictates the structure of a language does determine the native speaker's perception and categorization of experience.

As Dr. Banks starts deciphering the alien language, she unravels new nonlinear ways of looking at events.


X-Men Days of the Future Past (2014)

Best Time Travel Movies X-Men Days of the Future Past (2014)

In the seventh installment in the X-Men movie franchise, the x-men are faced with fighting the sentinels in the future.

As they are losing at a tremendous rate, the only resolution is to send back the consciousness of logan in time to his younger self. The movie revolves around preventing the sentinel program from ever being born.

Logan is faced with making bonds with the younger version of the X-Men team while simultaneously trying to stop the origin of sentinels. As X-Men focuses on a world of mutants, superpowers with time travel capabilities are not an anomaly.

In the future, we have an experienced Kitty Pride who has honed her time-altering power to send one's consciousness back to our younger self.

Whatever logan does in the past is now the history for the rest of the team in the future.

Best Time Travel Movies-Edge of Tomorrow (2014)

This movie occurs in a human vs. alien invasion scenario. It follows our main character, Cage, as he jumps from his career as a marketer for the army to being ordered to participate in the front lines.

An Accidental kill of an alpha triggers a time loop of the same day repeatedly. Cage is now faced with figuring out how the time loop works while simultaneously trying to figure out how to win the war.

The Omega of the alien species causes the time loop phenomenon. It restarts the day as soon as alpha is killed and gives it a second chance of winning the confrontation again with the memory of the first confrontation intact.

Humans getting alpha blood in their system keeps them aware of the loop.

Best Time Travel Movies-About Time (2013)

About time is a light-hearted comedy-drama about Gleason, who learns about the unique genetic ability of the male members of the family.

The character uses his power to acquire love, fix family issues and understand life in general. About time is one of those movies explaining the splendors and morals of life.

The time travel ability is explained as a genetic trait found in the male gene of the family. Time travel also has other rules. The user can only travel to the past.

Traveling and altering events before your unborn child is born can change the child itself. You cannot travel back as a separate entity, meaning traveling through time will transfer your consciousness to your own body of that time.


Midnight in Paris (2011)

Best Time Travel Movies- Midnight in Paris (2011)

Our main character Gil (screenwriter), faces an impending wedding with Inez. While on vacation with his fiancée, he tours the city alone only to meet revelers who take him into the past (the 1920s).

He gets the opportunity to meet his favorite artists.

During his escapade, he is forced to analyze his own life and relationships. The exact method of time travel is not explained in the movie, but Gil is allowed to travel through eras using the old Renault of that period.

The director doesn't emphasize the time travel element but more on the movie's plot. We are expected to understand something magical is happening.

This movie portrays the trials and tribulations of life, wishes, dreams, and their contrast to reality.


The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (2006)

Best Time Travel Movies- The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (2006)

This Japanese animated movie follows Makoto Kanno as she learns that she can time leap after dying in an accident.

With the newfound power, Makoto starts excelling in life but later understands the consequences of messing with the time flow. She is now faced with fixing the ripples caused by her time leaps.

The time leap ability is given with the help of the walnut object, which in contact grants the person who held it a superpower to time leap.

The walnut can transfer the energy to charge the human body, allowing the ability to leap in time a finite number of times.


The Butterfly Effect (2004)

Best Time Travel Movies-The Butterfly Effect (2004)

The movie follows our main character Evan as he discovers his ability to change past events. His intervention into childhood events results in realities in the future with different consequences.

He is now faced with fixing his previous mistakes and checking the combination of the possible consequences.

The core concept of the movie relates to a part of chaos theory in physics. This concept is commonly known as the butterfly effect, as small things can have a huge nonlinear impact on a complex system.

The time travel ability in this movie is hinted at as the genetic power of the Treborn family.

Best Time Travel Movies-Predestination (2014)

The movie focuses on a time agent, "Agent Doe," also known as "the Barkeep," working for the temporal agency to prevent a horrendous bombing attack by the Fizzle bomber.

The movie focuses on a paradox loop of time travel. This movie is a perfect example of a fixed timeline which is now famously called the predestination paradox.

The time travel in predestination is done with a USFF coordinate transformer field kit that creates a temporal wake. The machine also calibrates to avoid any material collision during the user's journey to a specific point in time.

Best Time Travel Movies- Tenet (2020)

The latest Nolan Flick brings a battle of the future and present in the hope of preventing the next world war.

The movie follows a fictional concept of time inversion rooted in an actual physics concept called entropy. Entropy is a measure of different ways we can arrange a set of objects.

This possibility of arranging entropy of people and objects allows the movie to include mindboggling ways of time travel.

Best Time Travel Movies-Looper(2012)

Looper expands upon a story where time travel has been invented but immediately deemed illegal. The only ones who use it are mafia bosses who use the past to kill people using assassins of the past.

The movie follows our main character Joe who is very good at these assassin jobs; one day faces a target that turns out to be his future self.

Turn of events gets these two variants of Joe against each other. Time travel technology originated in the future. The looper assassins have to eventually kill their future self one day as close the loop.

Time travel can only be done in the looper universe with an exact window of thirty years, three months, two days, eight hours, and five seconds from the future to the past.

The movie also has some of its own rules that conflict with traditional time travel movies. Two variants can exist simultaneously; communication across two points in time is possible.

The future has infinite possibilities, and time travel is a one-way ticket. Any change in the past self also immediately affects the future, self-including memories.

Looper is one of the best time travel movies of the decade as it has a gut-wrenching cat and mouse game between different versions of loopers, romance, and difficult time theories to ponder.

You won't be disappointed with this movie.

Best Time Travel Movies-Palm Springs (2020)

Palm Spring follows a time loop scenario on the wedding day of two main characters, Sarah and Nyles. These characters relive Sarah's sister's wedding every day.

The movie brings character development as they slowly fall in love. They are also are faced with the problem of how to get out of the loop.

The film follows the concept of the theoretical possibility of time loop scenarios through general relativity.

Massive objects like planets and black holes warp space and time. If the exact thing would happen in a loop with no room for variation, a time loop is theoretically possible.

The movie takes advantage of this theoretical possibility. It fictionalizes characters to remember the day before and compacts the area of the time loop occurrence to a small space.

Best Time Travel Movies- Mirage(2018)

Mirage combines alternate timelines, the butterfly effect, and consciousness transfer between these timelines. The movie follows Vera's character, who has just moved into a new house with her husband in 2014.

Due to a mysterious electrical storm, she can somehow communicate to a different point in the past (1989).

This communication is done via an analog tv playing an old recording of her husband's childhood friend. What Vera already knows is that a murder is about to occur.

As she tries to prevent a potential murder during the time link, this intervention has different temporal effects on her life.

The time link effect is not fully explained in the movie. Still, it has been hinted to be due to a mysterious electrical storm allowing characters to communicate to a specific point in the past. The communication connection is limited to the analog tv.

Overall, this is one of the best multiverses that ties up perfectly at the end with elements of romance, love for one's children, and the need for justice. We guarantee you won't be disappointed.

Best Time Travel Movies-Frequency (2000)

Frequency follows the story of a character John Sullivan who can talk to his father in the past through an old ham radio.

As the father is dead in John's present, John gives critical info to save his dad in the past, but that interventive change has a ripple effect in his present life.

He is now faced with finding the best combination of changes to get the best result possible.

The time travel mechanism is a straight-up cause-and-effect relationship. The movie concept revolves around the butterfly effect, referring to interventive change done in the past that can cause a drastic ripple effect in the future.

The communication connection between these two different time points has been hinted possible due to the aurora borealis occurrence.

Aurora borealis is a real electrical phenomenon that does cause disturbance in radio signals. It is caused due to the interaction of charged particles from the sun with atoms of the upper atmosphere.

They have used this concept and pushed it to the extreme fictionalization that this disturbance can cause bridges between two points in time.

Best Time Travel Movies-Time Crimes (2007)

This Spanish movie follows the main character named Hector, a happily married guy in the countryside. Things turn dark once he sees a woman supposedly being murdered.

As he tries to check on her, he is attacked and tries to save himself.

During his escape, he finds a scientist with different pieces of machinery. While trying to hide from the attacker, he accidentally jumps into a tank; little does he know that the tank has special temporal qualities.

The movie only allows for one timeline. Every iteration of the time travel still results in the same timeline. The movie follows a fixed timeline meaning past interventive efforts might still be in sequence with the future.

The movie is an excellent example of a time causal loop. It utilizes a form of untested time machine for transport. This small-budget film didn't get more audience due to a language barrier.

A must-watch movie if you are into time theories & cause and effect relationships with a dark tone.


Last Night in Soho (2021)

Best Time Travel Movies-Last Night in Soho (2021)

The movie expands on the character Ellie who seems to get visions of another girl of the 60s named Sandy in her dreams and seems to live life through her perspective.

It begins as admiration for sandy, which later becomes a murder mystery Ellie needs to solve using her gift.

The time jump is not one of the scientific natures. The movie hints at Ellie being a psychically sensitive individual.

It's more of a transfer of consciousness from the present body to the target body in the past initiated by supernatural entities. It is a wonderful movie with spirits, betrayal, lust, and curiosity to solve mysteries.

We can also see how events of a different time can impact a person. It is a wonderful horror movie to watch.

Best Time Travel Movies-Deja Vu (2006)

Deja Vu follows Agent Doug to solve a bombing attack and find the killer. He meets a division of law enforcement called "snow-white" that uses specific programming to recreate past events.

As he starts getting involved with trying to spot the attacker, he finds the snow-white program might not exactly be a digital recreation program.

The time travel mechanism for this movie is a machine used from the top-secret program snow-white. The rig is made to create an Einstein Roosen bridge between two different periods by warping the fabric of space through a higher dimension.

Best Time Travel Movies-The Call (2020)

This wonderful South Korean movie uses a similar premise to the lake house. Two characters seemed to connect through a phone at different points in time, specifically between 1999 and 2019.

The newfound friendship starts with helping each other, which slowly turns into an all-out time war.

The movie doesn't explain the temporal anomaly, but it is only a plot driver. The focus is on the development of characters than speculation of how these devices work.

The movie follows a straightforward cause-and-effect relationship, meaning changes in the past will affect future events.

Best Time Travel Movies- The Jacket (2005)

The movie follows a Gulf war veteran named Jack Starks, who was previously shot in the head, causing partial amnesia and PTSD.

With a wrong judgment with hitchhiking, Jack finds himself in a mental asylum being experimented with drugs. Instead of hallucination, he develops a completely different ability.

It is an amazing story about finding love facing inner demons with a twist of temporal jumps.

The time travel explained in this movie is not physically going back and forth. It is a temporal transfer of the mind to its own body at different points in time.

The film also allows for parallel timelines, which can branch off from changes made in the primary timeline.


Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel (2009)

Best Time Travel Movies-FAQ About Time Travel (2009)

This movie is a comedic adventure of three friends, Ray, Pete, and Toby, who complain about time travel movies. A turn of events occurs as they meet a female time traveler Cassie who works for a future organization that fixes time leaks.

As one of them enters a time leak accidentally, all three friends start traveling in time.

The movie discusses the different consequences of different interventive time actions by time-traveling practically and how to fix the time leak. They are faced with the problem of returning to their own time and surviving the wrath of Millie.

Time travel is possible with future time machines built into the body or entering a time leak.


Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989)

Best Time Travel Movies- Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989)

The movie focuses on the lives of two best friends, Bill & Ted, who have to finish a history report to pass. The repercussions of not passing are they will have to separate from each other, and they can not complete their dream of starting a band.

However, during their stressful moments, a mysterious person appears and hands them a time machine to explore history.

Time travel is possible due to a time machine in the form of a phone booth sent from the future to help bill and ted. The mechanics of time travel is not explained as is not needed as the movie is more about the experience than the technicalities of time travel.

It's a light-hearted movie where we see young kids learning with the extreme aid of technology.

Best Time Travel Movies-Triangle (2009)

The movie follows our protagonist Jess stuck in a sailing trip that takes a wrong turn when an electric swoops in and capsizes the sailing boat.

A ray of hope comes through when they find an abandoned cruise ship named Aeolus. They get on board with no option left, only to face mysterious circumstances.

The film has elements of a time loop inspired by the Greek philosophy of the myth of Sisyphus. Sisyphus was punished to roll a boulder up a hill, only to roll down every time it got near the top.

We can interpret the technicalities of the loop with different possibilities like the Curse of the Bermuda Triangle or a form of eternal punishment. The movie has all the entertainment required, murder, mystery, and inner turmoil.

Best Time Travel Movies-Primer (2004)

Primer follows the tale of two friends, Abe and Aaron, who create a workable time machine. They get beneficial results by using the device for money but soon take a dark turn with many overlapping timelines.

The box creates a space-time tunnel that further creates an electromagnetic field that builds up in a parabolic form until it collapses.

Objects sent in the box move from point A to B for a certain time until the parabolic form collapses. The test object then can exit from either point A or B.

The rule for this box is that it is only possible to travel to a point when the machine is already on. In simple terms, if we want to switch the device at 11 AM and leave it on for 6 hours and go inside the box at 5 PM, the machine then takes us to 11 AM back in time.

There is also a 15-minute time delay needed in each travel to not crash into a different time version of yourself. This movie might just be the Best Time Travel Movie in terms of the complexity of time travel.

Best Time Travel Movies-A Day (2017)

A Day follows the time loops concept, repeating the same day. Our character is Kim, a very successful doctor who can't make time for his daughter (Jo Eun Hyung) even if he tries.

When the dad comes to visit the daughter, he sees an accident and recognizes one of the dead bodies as his daughter. As he is grieving, he finds the day to reset at 12: 30 in the day.

Kim is now tasked with trying different strategies to see if that breaks the loop; he wants to protect his daughter and keep her alive. Other guys face the same time loop option with their loved ones.

The reason for the time loop is not given in the movie. It can be interpreted as Karma for Kim for the previous hit and runs and killing an innocent girl for a heart transplant.

This movie is a wonderful story about the love between a father and a daughter.


This movie is a traditional groundhog day concept applied to Roy Pulver, a retired special op soldier. He is faced with understanding the reason for this time loop and protecting his family along the way.

The time loop is possible because of the time machine known as the Osiris Spindle that the main character's wife creates. This machine makes the time loop that allows the user to have the ability to try getting the day right through countless tries.

Osiris comes from the Egyptian concept of the God Osiris, "god of the underworld." Osiris was betrayed by his brother, set and trapped in a coffin, and thrown into the river.

Isis, his wife, resurrected him with all parts intact except one. As Osiris was incomplete, he couldn't rule but gave isis a son named Horus, who eventually defeated Set and avenged his father.


The Map of Tiny Perfect Things (2021)

Best Time Travel Movies- The Map of Tiny Perfect Things(2021)

The movie follows a teenager named Mark who faces a "Groundhog Day" time loop scenario where he is forced to live the same day repeatedly.

In his lonely existence, he finds Margret, who faces the same issue. A beautiful love story ensues.

Both characters need to find a solution to break the loop and try different strategies to achieve it.

The time loop phenomenon isn't explained as it is a plot driver. The beauty of this movie is the portrayal of teenage love, death, stress for a career, gradual maturity in teenagers, coming of age, and accepting reality.

Best Time Travel Movies- Men in Black 3 (2012)

The movie follows the same premise as the previous "men in black" franchise. The iconic duo of agent J and agent K comes to a halt when any trace of agent K disappears.

Agent J desperately tries to fix this anomaly by traveling back into time himself along with protecting the earth from another Bogladite temporal anomaly.

The Men in Black are already the most sophisticated intelligence agency on earth. The movies allow the time travel experience with a portable time machine. The subject must jump from a height to create momentum to trigger the device.

The universe also established the rule of experiencing headaches, dizziness, loss of balance, cravings for chocolate dairy products, agitation, depression as side-effects of being part of a temporal fracture.

The use of time travel machines is also considered illegal.

Best Time Travel Movies- The Lake House(2006)

The Lakehouse is a classic romantic drama mixed in with time travel elements. The movie expands on two characters, Alex and Kate, who become pen pals living in the same lake house at different times.

They slowly start to fall in love, but how do you love someone from a different time?

The movie doesn't have the traditional time travel; instead, it focuses the possibility on a simple mailbox. The mailbox is a temporal portal that joins two points of time.

In this case, the interval is two years. The power of the mailbox is a given for the movie without much explanation. The movie was based on the Korean film II Mare where the father has a short monologue about the house's architecture.

He explains the house is an architectural project that embodies the temporal complexities of Escher's drawings.

It is an impossible construction that utilizes mathematical shapes, architecture, and perspective to make it look impossible, but that is all the explanation we get.

Time manipulation is only a means or a plot driver; the movie is a wonderful love story at its core.


The Tomorrow War (2021)

Best Time Travel Movies- The Tomorrow War (2021)

The tomorrow war focuses on the humans from the future, asking for military reinforcement from the past. The movie establishes easy-to-follow time rules so that the audience does not get confused.

Time travel in the movie focuses basically on three points of time. The first point is the future where help is needed; the past (the protagonist's present) provides the reinforcement and the emergence point where the alien war starts.

The movie establishes that the past and future points run parallel and are connected. The year 2022 connects only to the year 2051. The time travel rule doesn't allow the characters to choose any other point in time.

E.g., One cannot go to the start of the war and fight.

The protagonist must fight aliens while simultaneously figuring out how to stop the invasion from happening in the first place. Each soldier is given seven days to fight and survive against the aliens.

The movie doesn't drive into the technical aspect of how the time-traveling technique is possible and has some causality gaps.

What the movie lack in time travel causality loops, it covers with gut-wrenching fight scenes & a heartwarming father-daughter relationship.

Overall, it is the Best Time Travel Movie for a Friday night to watch and not ponder the plot repeatedly.

Best Time Travel Movies-Idiocracy (2006)

The movie follows two characters, Joe and Rita, who are forced to hibernate through a top-secret army project only to wake up at a different time (2505 AD).

As time passed, humans turned dumber, making the hibernated subjects previously considered below average intelligence the smartest in the civilization. Joe & Rita face the responsibility of fixing the deteriorated civilization.

Idiocracy is not a stereotypical time travel movie. It instead utilizes the fictional concept of hibernation technology that allows subjects to hibernate for a long time.

These hibernation pods enable its occupant to preserve themselves for more than 500 years.


Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (2010)

Best Time Travel Movies- Prince of Persia Sands of Time (2010)

Prince of Persia is the first movie adaptation of the widely successful game by Ubisoft. It follows the endeavors of prince Dastan as a fugitive when his father, the king of Persia, is killed under mysterious circumstances.

The time travel aspect is the same concept as the games meaning the user can rewind time up to 10 seconds by releasing the special type of sands from the dagger. You get two presses before having to fill up the blade again with the special sands of time.

Best Time Travel Movies-Happy Death Day (2017)

The movie follows the character named tree on her birthday, which is also her mother's death anniversary. As she hasn't moved on from her mother's death, she isn't exactly the peppiest person, clearly reflected in her attitude.

While heading to a party, she is mysteriously stabbed to death but wakes up at the start of the day. She is now tasked with finding out who killed her.

No explanation is given regarding the mechanics of the time loop. It could be interpreted as a general temporal rip caused somehow tied to the main character tree or a higher power at work.

Best Time Travel Movies- Before I Fall (2017)

This small budget film follows our main character Sam stuck in the traditional "groundhog day" time loop. She faces living the cupid's day repeatedly. She meets a brutal car accident at the end of each day, only to wake up at the beginning of the day.

She now desperately tries iterations of events to break the loop while bettering herself in the process and learning the importance of loved ones.

The time loop isn't rooted in any scientific theories. It is more embedded in the Greek philosophical story of the myth of Sisyphus. Sisyphus is punished to roll a rock toward the top of a mountain only to reach the bottom again and again.

Best Time Travel Movies- Premature (2014)

This movie follows the traditional day reset or time loop scenario for the character Rob facing a college interview. This interview ensures admittance to his parents' same alma mater.

On top of that, he faces premature ejaculation with the college blonde & every time resets back to the beginning of the day. He is now faced with finding out what iteration of choices will get him out of the loop.

This movie is a raunchy 80's style sex comedy coming of age story. Think of it more like American Pie meets Groundhog Day.

The time travel mechanics aren't explained in the movie, which seems to be the norm for time loop movies nowadays, but it still is a wonderful story about a boy growing up and finding love.


Hot Tub Time Machine (2010)

Best Time Travel Movies- Hot Tub Machine (2010)

Hot tub machine focuses on three friends, Nick, Adam, Lou, who were best friends growing up. All of them are discontent with their lives and decide to go back to the Kodiak resort in hopes of reconnecting.

They also take Adam's nephew along with them. The guys get drunk at night in the hot tub and douse the console with an illegal Russian drink called Chernobyl only to find they have traveled back to 1986.

They interpret this as a chance to relive their glory days, reconnect with friends and start being true to themselves.

The time travel in this movie doesn't follow the fixed time theory. There are certain rules stated in this movie.

The guys seem to reside in their younger bodies, but if you weren't even born in 1986, the hot tub transports you physically into the past. The movie also doesn't follow a singular timeline.

The film also disregards the butterfly effect or the grandfather paradox. The time travel rule that the movie adopts is the concept of alternate timelines.

Changes in the past will result in a new future separate from the previous future in the timeline.

Best Time Travel Movies- Kate and Leopold (2001)

This romantic drama follows our main character Leopold, a nobleman in the 19th century who encounters a mysterious man with a unique device.

During a confrontation with the mysterious physicist, he gets to the future. An accident causes Stewart to be hospitalized, and as a favor, Kate keeps Leopold company. The two slowly start developing feelings toward each other.

As characters start getting back to their timeline, the physicist discovers some intervention measures need to be taken to finish the time loop sequence.

The movie utilizes a concept of a gravitational time portal, which is used to travel through time. These portals are not created, but the subject must get to that portal and jump to travel in time.

The movie also utilizes a time causal loop, meaning interventive efforts to change past events are history for future events.

Best Time Travel Movies- Click (2006)

Click expands upon the life of an average middle-aged man that is frustrated in life and work. He mysteriously is handed a universal remote control from a mysterious man named Morty in a Bed Bath & Beyond that can alter reality.

The reality alteration and the need of the character to skip bad moments in his life has its array of consequences. This alteration isn't rooted in scientific theories but more in religious power.

Click is a good rent-it movie fully embedded with humor and heartwarming moments. We don't need to worry about the cause-and-effect relationship of time manipulation.

Just relax and enjoy a good-hearted feel-good movie.


When We First Met (2018)

Best Time Travel Movies-When We First Met (2018)

This movie is a romantic comedy involving Noah, who is constantly friend-zoned by Avery. He gets an opportunity to change it and make her fall in love with him with a mysterious photo booth that takes you back three years.

The character faces iterations of trying to make his crush fall in love and understand himself and his friends in the process.

The picture booth allows the time loop according to the movie's plot. The machine allows the user to go back in time and change events.

The exact explanation is not given as the plot focuses more on love than the specifics of the time travel.

Best Time Travel Movies-Project Almanac (2015)

David Raskin is a student desperately trying to get a scholarship to MIT. When his project doesn't yield a full scholarship, he is left scrummaging through his dad's old stuff in the hope of finding something useful.

When he finds an old recording of his seventh birthday, he notices a reflection in the mirror of his present self. With the help of his sister and friends, they find a time machine blueprint in the basement which they use to make the machine.

Trying to better their lives, David starts messing with past events, which has a butterfly effect on the future. As the number of past interventions increases, the future's effects become more drastic.

They are left with the task of fixing their mistakes.

The Temporal Relocation Device gives David and his friends time travel capabilities. The movie uses a traditional time machine concept as the means built by David.

The film follows the concept of the butterfly effect and the concept that two identical physical objects cannot encompass space in one timeline.

Best Time Travel Movies- ARQ(2016)

The movie takes place in a post-apocalyptic world scenario monopolized by a private corporation. Our main characters, Renton & Hannah, who have the ARQ machine, face a home invasion along with the desperation to get out of the loop.

The characters are faced with surviving the attack and understanding the reason behind the invasion. On top of that, they are tasked with understanding the significance of the machine.

Time manipulation is allowed through the ARQ machine, which supposedly dispenses unlimited energy to solve the world's energy crisis. The movie explains this machine to be the cause of the time loop.

The rule of the time loop in the movie is that the loop resets every three and a quarter hours. The memory from the last loop is carried over in the next if not affected by the electromagnetic field of the machine.

This brilliant movie portrays betrayal, survival, and choices of morality.

Best Time Travel Movies- Blood Punch (2014)

Blood Punch is a story of Milton, Skyler, and Russell, who visit a cabin to cook crystal meth. They do not know that the land has been cursed, making the area act in peculiar ways.

During an altercation, Milton kills Russell and buries him, but he finds the day repeating in a loop. He is shocked when Russell is alive the next day. When Milton checks the buried area, he finds the dead body too.

All three of them are now tasked with figuring out how to break the time loop while simultaneously trying to keep their memories in the next loop.

The time loop is a bit peculiar. If a person dies in a loop, he won't remember the previous day. Only those who lived retain their memories.

The rule is simple, anyone that spills blood on the holy land and the people with them will also face the time loop curse.

Best Time Travel Movies-13 Going on 30 (2004)

The movie follows the life of Jenna (Jenifer Garner), who doesn't like the trials and tribulations of being a teenager and makes a wish to be age 30 directly. That's what exactly happens.

She now is trapped in her 30 yr old adult body with the child of a 13-year-old teenager. She is now forced to make things work, learn how to reverse it and rekindle bonds with old friends.

The time travel featured in this movie is a transfer of consciousness of yourself into the body of your older self in the future. This travel is allowed because of a wish dust packet with labels stating it will make your dreams come true.


In the Shadow of the Moon (2019)

Best Time Travel Movie-In the Shadow of the Moon (2020)

The movies follow Lockhart's perspective, through which we have the view of the story. He tried tracking down a mysterious girl who mysteriously started murdering people.

As there is a confrontation between the two, the killer is killed on the oncoming train.

But, after nine years, the murder starts occurring again by the same girl. Lockhart needs to figure out how the girl who died is back now, killing people again. The movie used a traditional time travel machine to jump from one point to another.

However, there are some rules. The time travel can only be done at an interval of nine years when there is a phenomenon of a "blood moon." This period is the only time the bridge between the past and the future can be ope0ned.

Best Time Travel in Movies- Retroactive (1997)

The movie follows two parallel stories. One focuses on a criminal named frank, who picks up Karen (former criminal psychologist), having car troubles. The movie unfolds into a survival story.

Karen is running for her life and trying to save a woman. She accidentally gets to Brains (creator of time machine) lab, where he has just finished testing a time machine.

As events unfold, different combinations of the events unfold where Karen and Brian try to get the best result possible.

The movie uses a time machine to allow the process. The rule of the film states the travel interval to be only 20 minutes in the past generally but in some iterations where only 10 minutes or some hours is possible with destructive consequences.

The movie focuses on the concept of retroactive time travel. The concept is a cause-and-effect relationship meaning action or decision is intended to take effect from a specific point in the past.

Best Time Travel Movies Disney's The Kid (2000)

The movie follows Russ Duritz a ruthless consultant, as he meets himself at age eight. Russ now needs to find the meaning of life and find his true self with the help of his actual younger self.

The movies follow the concept of temporal dislocation, but as it is a Disney movie, it doesn't have to be all that accurate in its concept. For the audience, the hint of using a ram plane is given.

The movie takes the aspect of time travel only as a plot driver. The film does have a cause-and-effect relationship between the past and the future. Events intervened in the past can change future outcomes.

It is a light-hearted family movie that will help you take a break from your adult life.


Bill & Ted Face the Music (2020)

Best Time Travel Movie- Bill and Ted Face the Music (2020)

The movie starts with Bill and Ted becoming adults and still pursuing the perfect song that unites the world. They are about to break the iconic duo band when a mysterious person with a time machine appears.

The future demands music that unites all the world's people at a deadline to prevent time & reality from crashing.

They are now tasked with making the new song to save the world. Like the previous iteration of Bill and Ted, the time machine is brought from the future at full functionality.


The Time Machine (2002)

Best Time Travel Movies-The Time Machine (2002)

Time Machine is an old classic movie that paved the way for many time machine movies in the future. It follows our main protagonist Alexander Hartdegen who created a time machine to prevent the death of his love Emma.

As he constantly fails, he visits the future to understand if somebody else figured out time travel problems.

However, the future has its array of problems for human civilization. The time machine, while in transport, has a casing of energy that protects the user.

The part outside the energy protection area is a wormhole where time distorts violently according to the machine's dial. If the wheels are jammed during use, the machine can generate a time distortion wave that will accelerate or decelerate time in its path.

The movie carefully represents how human civilizations damage the planet, change the routes of evolution, and symbolize unchecked capitalism. It is a must-watch classic.

Best Time Travel in Movies-Premonition (2007)

Linda, our main character, gets a sudden visit from a policeman explaining that her husband has died in a car crash.

The next day when she wakes up, her husband is alive and well. The next day it's his funeral. This series of events confuse Linda.

The movie follows Linda as she tries to understand jumping from one day to the other in the past and present and maybe leverage that to protect her family.

The cause of the ability of jumping time isn't explained in the movie. The movie, however, does follow the predestination or fixed timeline paradox.

Best Time Travel Movies-Time Freak (2018)

Stillman is fascinated with physics builds a time machine that will send his consciousness to his past self to fix mistakes in the relationship. However, all the intervening with the past has its series of problems.

The movie doesn't provide details about specific scientific information on the machine. It's kind of assumed that the boy genius will make the thing work.

The time machine is just a plot driver for the Stillman to change into a better human being. The movie's goal is to focus on letting things go, accepting realities, and growing up simultaneously.

Best Time Travel Movies-Repeaters (2010)

The movie follows the life of three drug addicts, Kyle, Michael, and Sonia, stuck in a "groundhog day" scenario where they face the same day repeatedly.

All three characters are faced with trying different iterations to escape the loop. The movie turns from a time loop mystery to survival to punishment.

An electric shock is hinted at as the cause time loop if you look at a scientific approach. The looping mechanism can also be interpreted as a purgatory loop where characters resolve the unfinished issue that caused them to be in the loop in the first place.

Best Time Travel Movies- Timeline (2003)

The movie follows a group of archaeologists placed in modern times trying to retrieve a professor in the 14th century. They are now placed in a medieval war between France and England.

These members now face getting the professor back, surviving the war, and returning to their respective timelines.

The time travel part wasn't initially intended. It is possible because the ITC corporation was trying to create a teleportation device and, in the process, found a wormhole in space-time.

They instead experimented with time travel. These are tunnels that can access two points in space-time.

The ITC machine strips the subject down into a molecular level passes it via the wormhole. Once the object exits said wormhole, it rearranges the molecules again. In this case, the wormhole is locked into a single point in time, 1347 AD.

It has elements of action, romance, and a fixed timeline. In most cases, any intervening effort done in the past is the cause of future events, but the movie has some elements of change that altered future events.

Best Time Travel Movies- Synchronicity (2015)

The story follows the escapades of a physicist as he first experiments with a time travel machine made by him and his team. The investor is not keen as the experiment failed, but there is evidence that something came through the machine.

He meets a beautiful woman with who he falls in love while thinking she is the visitor; however, he couldn't be more wrong.

The movie is filled with causal loops for the majority, only to change the plot with an entirely different concept. Our main character is tasked with understanding the time causal relations and protecting the experiment from corporate taking over.

Time Travelling in Synchronicity is explained by a machine made by the physicist Jim. It needs a high-energy radioactive material known as MRD that only the investing company can provide as MRDs are radioactive isotype.

The machine forms a tunnel from one location in space-time to another and creates a bridge to travel. The traveling also implies that two entities of the same DNA should not exist in one dimension.


See You Yesterday (2019)

Best Time Travel Movies- See You Yeserday (2019)

The movie follows our two main characters, CJ and Sebastian, as they travel back in time in hopes of righting societal wrongs. The extent of the travel is just one day.

See You Yesterday is not a classic utopian or dystopian movie with time travel elements. The film expands on the concept of the possibility of correcting societal wrongs through isolated events.

However, the intervening effort doesn't work as societal issues in the present aren't necessarily attached to just singular events.

The movies allow time travel through a device called the temporal relocation device. The device utilizes protons attached to a rotary circuit that enables the proton to travel to the speed of light.

This action creates a quantum foam that generates a wormhole.

The core of the device is managed with a sequence calibration. The proton and the energy generated strip the subject into a molecular level and reconstruct it to the target time point.

See you yesterday is a wonderful movie that tries to discuss community issues. The time travel element is more of a means to drive the plot of the discussion.

2067 (2020)

The movie expands on 2067, when the earth was destroyed by climate change, with only one city in Australia holding out. Lack of oxygen causes oxygen sickness in humans.

Chronicorp calls our main character Ethan to use a prototype time machine built by his father.

The driving factor for sending Ethan is that the present time receives a message from 407 years in the future to send Ethan specifically. As Ethan travels in the future, he tries to get any solution to the impending doom for humanity.

The rules of this movie dictate there must be two-time machines (chronicle) tethered at different points in time for safe travel. If one machine doesn't work, the subject might not land safely. The device also takes enormous nuclear reactions for power.


The Time Traveler's Wife (2009)

Best Time Travelers Movie- The Time Traveler's Wife (2009)

The movie focuses on the functionalities of Henry managing his rare genetic disorder and a family. He involuntarily jumps at different points in time, and his wife and child must cope with these events accordingly.

It is a wonderful tale about love, the relationship between a father and daughter, and the resilience of a man trying to make the best of things.

Time travel is permitted in this movie with a hypothetical genetic disorder in the main character called Chrono impairment. This disorder makes the main character jump back and forth involuntarily in time.

Best Time Travelers Movie-Next(2007)

This Nicholas Cage action movie is not the traditional time travel story. Still, it follows our protagonist Chris, a Las Vegas magician who can see 2 minutes into the future.

He also has recurring visions of a woman that he believes can help extend that ability. He is riddled with trying to protect his woman from different parties and prevent possible catastrophic events in the process.

There is no explanation given for this ability of foresight except for a short one-liner hinting scientist tested on Chris as a kid. The foresight also only applies directly to affecting Chris.


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