Security Mnemonic Do Remember This Mnemonic You Will Not See It Again

Mnemonic strategies feature imageYou lot'd similar a bunch of mnemonic strategies that assistance you lot acquire faster, correct?

Whereas virtually every article on the Net is going to give y'all a bunch of weak techniques like "keywords," hither's the affair you need to empathise:

Using the keyword method equally a mnemonic device is not a strategy. It's a tool.

A strategy, on the other manus, is how you design your life then that you lot can use retentiveness techniques.

So if you want proper mnemonic grooming, buckle up because we're going to requite yous some mnemonic device examples, and in a way that doesn't muddy the waters.

Here'due south what this post volition cover:

What Is A Mnemonic Device And How To Utilize Ane Strategically?
The Almost Highly Effective Mnemonic Strategies & Techniques

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What Is A Mnemonic Device And How To Apply One Strategically?

A mnemonic device is anything you employ to help you lot recollect something. That includes everything from rote learning with flashcards to using a Memory Palace.

If you want to employ flashcards strategically, and so you need to add together a mnemonic chemical element. For example, instead of showing yourself the same card repeatedly and hoping the information will stick, to use flashcards strategically, y'all volition combine a mnemonic technique like elaborative encoding with agile recall based on a spaced repetition pattern.

For example, I've used elaborative encoding to brand the German word Bereich (area) more than memorable:

Mnemonic Example for the German Word Bereich

Mnemonic Example for the German language Word Bereich

This arroyo is strategic because:

one) I used my easily, colors and a not-digital tool I could easily revisit both physically and mentally.

2) I did not cheat past including the target information anywhere in the mnemonic device. This forces me to at least attempt to utilize agile retrieve.

3) This drawing is linked to a Memory Palace that enables mental spaced repetition based on a few principles (Primacy Effect, Recency Effect, and Serial Positioning Event).

Although I am non a cracking creative person (and you don't have to be), this approach is so much faster and effective than spaced repetition software. I was inspired to start cartoon my mnemonic examples in this fashion past language learning practiced Gabriel Wyner. His book Fluent Forever is incredible.

To sum upward before we dig deeper, mnemonic devices are not strategies.

The device is the association of Bender from Futurama with the German language word Bereich. It means "surface area" and in my imagination, Bender is in Berlin'due south Tegel airport.

Memory strategy example of Tegel Airport Memory Palace in a Berlin Apartment

A retentivity strategy tin involve importing one location into a Retentiveness Palace based on another space.

The next side by side device I'm using is association through imagery.

Really, information technology's not "imagery" in the style nosotros unremarkably mean information technology. I actually don't run into a picture of whatsoever of this in my listen.

Instead, I'm operating more on the level of observation and sound. You run across, "Bender" starts with 'be" and and so does "Bereich." And if y'all await at my drawing once again, yous'll see there'southward a drummer in the image.

That's Steve Reich, a very of import drummer in the history of percussion. Exist + Reich = Bereich.

Easy, right! Yes, only most people fiddle around with the "keyword" method, an agonizingly inadequate arroyo when you lot've got real memory tasks to conquer.

Another strategy I deploy is to have multiple words in the Retention Palace, but to focus only on words.

At present, when yous're learning a language, you definitely desire to memorize phrases, merely you have to get-go somewhere.

So my strategy is to outset by memorizing five-ten words and so add phrases. This works because it's always of import to not put the cart before the horse.

Finally, the main device I describe upon in strategically revisiting this location in the Retentivity Palace. There are quite a number of ways you can make this work, but it's important to:

i) Revisit the memorized words forward

2) Backwards

3) Out of order

In that location are more patterns you tin deploy and I cover them in Memory Palace Mastery. Why not grab your seat now? I'll bear witness you exactly how to build a Retentiveness Palace in the near effective manner.

Magnetic Memory Method Free Memory Improvement Course

And focusing on effectiveness is important because information technology'due south the path to ease and efficiency. To help speed up the process, you practice desire to keep a record of what you've memorized, and you lot practice that in a Memory Journal. Then, when testing your memory, you need to use active think in club to generate the memories.

That means using a fresh piece of paper or a testing Memory Journal where you have no access any to the target material. (In this manner, each of these ii Memory Journals are likewise kinds of mnemonic devices.)

For case, when I have memorized long Sanskrit passages, I practise it purely from the books I'm reading that feature texts similar you tin hear me reciting here:

Afterwards, I write out what I've memorized from each session. I do my best and simply after I'1000 finished exercise I check the record. That's also how I tested my memory of the TEDx talk itself: I wrote it, memorized it and then wrote information technology out by hand without the original record anywhere in sight.

The Most Highly Effective Mnemonic Strategies & Techniques

This might surprise yous, but information technology actually doesn't matter which is the most effective for me or some other retentiveness expert.

The best mnemonic strategies are the ones y'all're actually going to use.

And to figure that out, you need to endeavour a few on for size. To do that, hither'south what I propose:

  1. Do your research. The market is filled with all kinds of memory trainers. I suggest you lot find the i who has accomplished what y'all want to attain.

For example, I've learned languages, given speeches and completed a PhD. If you want to do those things, chances are, I'm your guy.

But, I've only washed moderately well at memory competitions.

Anthony Metivier judging a Memory Competition

Anthony Metivier judging at a memory competition.

Personally, I similar memorizing cards, simply the idea of memorizing countless digits, words and abstract shapes I'm going to forget immediately after the competition is over… I just have no involvement in that.

However, a lot of people love memory competitions and I've interviewed a lot of the best retentiveness athletes on the Magnetic Retentivity Method Podcast.

Seek them out. Many take books and courses of their own. Simply be realistic about who has done what. There'south a big deviation between using these techniques to forget what yous've memorized later on the games are over and the ability to hold on to the information for the long term.

  1. Stick with the program. Too many people get started and and then fall off the horse. If that's you lot, forgive yourself then get through my mental strength gratuitous training. It will help you continue on runway.

How long do you need to study the mnemonic strategies of the retentivity master you've called?

I'd advise at to the lowest degree 90 days. I haven't plucked that number out of thin air. Many studies show it is the blank minimum for lasting habit formation. Dr. Richard Wiseman has gathered a bunch of them in his book 59 Seconds, and you lot'll meet similar information repeated in whatever good book on the science of success.

Book covers for The Talent Code and 59 Seconds.

  1. Have a vision. Ane reason people can't practice the mnemonic strategy of their pick is considering it isn't embedded in a clear picture of what a realistic accomplishment looks like.

Again, I take zero interest in competition but that doesn't mean I don't "compete" against time. I was one time invited to teach retentivity techniques in Guilin, Red china.

Anthony Metivier teaching memory techniques in Guilin China

I had less than three months to study the language, but I made a very specific vision: That I would have a 300-500 give-and-take vocabulary and basic abilities in the language.

Because I was clear (and realistic) about the vision, I wound up at the school and my teachers were blown away! I even wound up meeting a cute adult female who later became my wife. And and so I apace memorized a vocal in Mandarin to sing at our wedding ceremony.

  1. Practice frequently.

Listen, I'm not the greatest singer in the earth, and I don't want to torture your ears. Just there'due south a reason why I recorded this video while washing the dishes. And that reason is to demonstrate how I accept every possible opportunity to practice:

  1. Let go of the consequence.

This mnemonic strategy is counterintuitive, but it is the ultimate secret of success.

A lot of people try to "forcefulness" the techniques to work. Sure, that can create success sometimes, but nosotros really need to create flow around them.

So when I do, I mentally give myself permission to make mistakes. I don't try to get it correct. I just visit the Retentivity Palace and permit the imagery to come up back.

If I oasis't been specific enough with the associations or the Memory Palace creation was sloppy, I'll definitely feel information technology.

Just I don't let myself to get frustrated. I just annotation whatever mistakes or struggles and analyze what'south going on so I can improve it rationally instead of from a place of negative emotion or need.

Once you put these strategies together in one tight package (with frequent exercise), you'll find that the memory mnemonics you use make your mental life a much effectively journey to experience.

Savor it and let me know in the comments if there are any strategies I missed.

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