Used Frontline Two Days Ago and Bathed the Dog Do I Need to Apply Frontline Again

Treatment Guidelines: Treat your pet once a month
with Frontline Plus at least
April through November for
protection against fleas and

Frontline Plus

When it comes to controlling fleas and ticks, FRONTLINE
Brand Products are the #1 recommendation of veterinarians for
flea and tick control for dogs and cats.

FRONTLINE Plus offers the long-lasting, most complete flea
and tick control available, killing up to 100% of fleas on your pet
within 18 hours and up to 100% of ticks on your pet within 48
hours. Best of all, research confirms that FRONTLINE products
work for an entire month to help keep your pet flea-free.

Few creatures can inflict more misery, ounce for ounce, than fleas.
These tiny, almost-invisible pests can make life miserable and disrupt
your household with a vicious cycle of biting and scratching. Fleas
may also cause flea allergy dermatitis in some pets and may be
carriers of dangerous diseases. All FRONTLINE products offer
control of fleas, killing up to 100% of adult fleas on your pet within 18
hours. And with an added ingredient to kill flea eggs and larvae,
FRONTLINE Plus completely breaks the life cycle of these dangerous
and annoying pests.

Often too tiny to be seen, ticks attach to pets and feed on blood until
they are engorged. They thrive in high humidity and moderate
temperatures, but can be found all over the country. Ticks may carry
and transmit diseases, including Lyme disease, that can cause
serious health problems for pets and people. FRONTLINE Brand flea
and tick control kills up to 100% of ticks on dogs and cats within
24-48 hours.

1. How quickly do FRONTLINE Brand Products kill parasites? Our research data shows FRONTLINE Brand Products will kill fleas within 18 hours of contact with
your treated pet. Ticks will die within 48 hours of contact with your treated pet.
2. How does FRONTLINE Plus spread over a pet's body? How long does this take? FRONTLINE Plus spread over the pet's body by a process called translocation. When applied, these
products are gradually dispersed by the pet's natural oils, collecting in the oil glands in the skin. It is
then "wicked" onto the hair over the next 30 days. The translocation process can take up to 24 hours
to complete.
3. Do fleas and ticks have to bite my pet for FRONTLINE Brand Products to work? Fleas and ticks do not have to bite your pet for FRONTLINE Brand Products to work. FRONTLINE
Brand Products kill fleas and ticks if they simply come into contact with your pet's hair coat. The fleas
will die within 18 hours of contact with your treated pet, and ticks will die within 48 hours.
4. Why am I seeing more fleas on my pet after applying a FRONTLINE Brand Product? After the application of a FRONTLINE Brand Product, you may see more fleas, but this is an indication
that the FRONTLINE Brand Product is working. FRONTLINE Brand Products make fleas hyper
excited, drawing them to the top of the haircoat before dying. This will make them more visible to you.
5. I treated my pet with a FRONTLINE Brand Product, but I still see fleas in my home. Why? The fleas you see are most likely hatched flea eggs that were deposited in the environment before you
began using FRONTLINE Brand Products. Consecutive monthly applications of a FRONTLINE Brand
Product to your pet will assist with the elimination of an indoor flea life cycle. In some geographical
regions in the United States, it may be required to use the product year-round.
6. How do FRONTLINE Brand Products kill fleas before they can lay eggs on my pet? Once new adult fleas jump on your pet, they must be present on the host for at least 24 to 36 hours
before they can lay eggs. Our research data indicates that FRONTLINE Brand Products, when used
monthly, will kill your pet's fleas within 18 hours of application - before they can lay eggs.
7. Do FRONTLINE Brand Products have an expiration date? FRONTLINE Brand Products do not carry an expiration date. We recommend storing FRONTLINE
Brand Products at room temperature and keeping them sealed in their original packaging. If stored
under these conditions, FRONTLINE Brand Products will not expire.
8. How long after application can my pet be bathed or go swimming? FRONTLINE Brand Products remain effective for 30 days, even if a pet swims or is bathed. After
application, keep the dog or cat from getting wet until the application area appears dry, usually 24
hours. If a FRONTLINE Brand Product is to be applied after a bath, make sure the pet is completely
dry before application.
9. Can I use FRONTLINE Brand Products if my pet is on medication? FRONTLINE Brand Products are not systemically active and have no known adverse interactions with
systemic medications.
10. Can I use FRONTLINE Brand Products if I have already applied another flea- and
tick-control product?
There are no known interactions between FRONTLINE Brand Products and any other flea- and
tick-control products. However, it is recommended to wait at least 24 hours between applications.
11. Do the FRONTLINE Brand Products have any additional label claims? Effective May 2003, FRONTLINE Plus and FRONTLINE Top Spot were approved by the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to be used on pregnant, lactating and breeding dogs and cats.
FRONTLINE Spray is not approved to be used on pregnant, lactating and breeding dogs and cats. In
addition, FRONTLINE Plus small size that was initially labeled for 11-22 lb dogs has now been
approved for the use on any size dog up to 22 lbs.

FRONTLINE Brand Products are now approved for the rapid elimination of chewing lice infestations on
dogs and cats and as an aid in control of sarcoptic mange infestations on dogs.

Also, any FRONTLINE Brand Product may be applied to dogs and cats as young as 8 weeks of age
and older.

12. Which FRONTLINE Brand Product is right for my pet? FRONTLINE Brand Products are available in three formulations to make it easy for you to provide your
pet with the flea and tick control that is best for them. FRONTLINE Plus is a convenient once-a-month
topical product offering long-lasting, complete control for adult fleas, flea eggs and larvae, and all four
major species of ticks. FRONTLINE Top Spot and FRONTLINE Plus provide fast-acting, long-lasting
flea and tick control for dogs and cats. FRONTLINE Spray offers quick elimination of existing flea and
tick infestations. Ask your veterinarian which FRONTLINE Brand Product is the best choice for your
13. Can FRONTLINE Brand Products be used on pets other than dogs and cats? No. FRONTLINE Brand Products are intended for use on dogs and cats only. It is not recommended
for use on other species.
14. Can FRONTLINE Brand Products be reapplied before the 30-day treatment interval is up? Research results show that FRONTLINE Brand Products control fleas and ticks for a full month, so
reapplication is unnecessary within 30 days.
15. Where can I buy FRONTLINE Brand Products? FRONTLINE Brand Products for dogs and cats are available from your family veterinarian. 16. Are there any side effects when using FRONTLINE? Individual sensitivities, while rare, may occur after using any pesticide product. Since FRONTLINE
Brand Products are topical some pets may experience temporary irritation at the site of product
application. If signs persist, or become more severe within a few days of application, consult your
veterinarian immediately.
17. Why are FRONTLINE Brand Products only available through my veterinarian? It is Merial's sales policy to sell our small animal products only where a veterinarian/client/patient
relationship exists. Merial believes that the veterinarian is the only professional qualified to serve the
health care needs of pets, the concerns of their owners and the appropriate use of our small animal
products such as FRONTLINE Brand Products.
18. How old does my pet have to be to apply FRONTLINE Brand Products? All FRONTLINE Brand Products may be applied to dogs and cats as young as 8 weeks of age.

Used with permission from Merial 2007

Once a month protection for your pet against Fleas & Ticks

Cambridge VetCare
Animal Clinic, PA
Cambridge, MN


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